Protecting the life and health of workers

is our purpose



Programa Drug Free

Our DFWP program lets companies successfully address the topic of alcohol and drug consumption in the workplace.

  • Design of a policy for the prevention of A&D consumption.
  • Communication, awareness and adherence to the A&D policy.
  • Training in the prevention of the consumption of A&D.
  • Worker Assistance Program (WAP).
  • Testing of the consumption of A&D.

Alcohol and drug testing service

Our testing services employ state-of-the-art technology, ensuring reliable, accurate and private results.

  • Biometric accreditation.
  • Immediate results.
  • High safety standards.
  • Statistical reports.

Alcohol and drug testing devices

With our range of products you will be able to control A&D consumption in your organization.

  • Catalog of certified products for A&D detection.
  • Product assistance.
  • Personalized counseling.
  • Authorized technical service.

Servicio de calibración y mantención de equipos

Único autorizado en Chile, por nuestras marcas, para realizar calibraciones y mantenciones de alcotest y analizadores de drogas.

  • Realizamos la calibración o mantención en 48 horas.
  • Permite obtener resultados con la precisión diseñada.
  • Fabricantes definen periodos de calibración específicos.
  • Asegura la confiabilidad de los resultados.
  • Prolonga la vida útil de los dispositivos.


PCR testing service Covid-19

Our Covid-19 PCR testing protocol allows for early detection of SARS-CoV-2 among your employees.

  • Analysis Laboratory - Red de Salud UC-CHRISTUS.
  • The results are validated by a certified physician, who also signs the final recommendations report.
  • Results are delivered within 24 hours to a representative designated by the contracting company.

Covid-19 Antigen Testing Service

Our Covid-19 antigen testing protocol allows for quick detection of SARS-CoV-2 among your employees, letting you keep track of every potential case.

  • Samples are analyzed by Red de Salud UC CHRISTUS’s laboratories.
  • The results are validated by a certified physician, who also signs the final recommendations report.
  • Results are delivered within 24 hours to a representative designated by the contracting company.


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Transportes Casablanca

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Nexus Logistics

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Vulco Weir Minerals

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Patricio Labatut, CEO de Global Partners, será speaker en la NDASA 2025 Annual Conference & Trade Show

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Alcohol-impaired driving prevention campaigns

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Cumplimiento del nuevo Decreto DS44: Obligaciones y soluciones para empresas en Chile

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Transporte Casablanca: Primera Empresa Certificada como Drug Free Workplace Renueva su Certificación en Julio de 2024

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¿Sabes lo que dice la nueva política nacional de seguridad y salud en el trabajo?

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One out of every five drivers
tests positive for alcohol use

female manager answering questions in a work meeti 2021 08 30 03 50 07 utc copia 1 - GLOBAL PARTNERS


Drug use in the workplace have a highly relevant negative impact, both for the worker and for the organization.

Working under the influence of psychoactive substances that impair the user’s cognitive abilities leads to risky behaviors. This increases the likelihood of work-related accidents, as well as increased absenteeism, turnover and decreased productivity.

Other direct and indirect effects caused by drug consumption in the workplace are:

  • Increased quantity of medical licenses due to consumption related pathologies.
  • Physical and mental alterations in workers.
  • Delays and unjustified absences.
  • Irritability and anxiety caused by withdrawal.
  • Increased production costs caused by low productivity.
  • Work overload on other collaborators due to a drop in the performance of the worker who consumes.
  • Increased production costs due to lower productivity.
  • Damage to company equipment and assets.

When a drug test is to be conducted, there is more than one way to do it. Some of them are:

Hair follicle test: A gram of hair is taken as a sample, which is sent to a laboratory for screening. The test reveals if the user has used drugs in the past 90 days.

Saliva test: As its name says, this method tests for drug traces in the user’s saliva, being able to detect if the user has consumed any during the past 12 hours.

Urine test: The user’s urine is analyzed, revealing if they have used drugs during the past 72 hours.

What types of alcohol tests exist?

Alcohol can be measured in grams per liter (gr/lt) using devices that use “combustion cells”. These analyze the user’s breath, delivering a numerical result either in (gr/lt) or as a percentage (C, or Blood Alcohol Level).

This substance can also be measured using passive or other single-use devices.

Alcohol can be measured in grams per liter (gr/lt) using devices that use “combustion cells”. These analyze the user’s breath, delivering a numerical result either in (gr/lt) or as a percentage (C, or Blood Alcohol Level).

This substance can also be measured using passive or other single-use devices.

Drugs can be classified according to the effects they have on the human body. These categories are:

THC or Marijuana: Its active ingredient is the hallucinogen called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Today its consumption is socially very normalized and can produce effects such as paranoia, damage to the ability to learn and motor coordination, difficulties in performing complex tasks, among other effects. In addition, it causes a reduction of attention and alters perception and reaction capacity.

THC is present in various forms, such as cigarettes commonly known as "joints", cookies, infusions, oils, cakes or inhalations.

Cocaine: It is a stimulant made from coca leaves, which is consumed in various forms, such as cocaine hydrochloride, cocaine base paste or crack. It produces effects such as increased alertness, increased energy, lack of sleep, decreased appetite, etc., generating dependence in a very short period of time.

Methamphetamine (ecstasy): It is a synthetic drug whose effect is stimulant, being ecstasy one of its most common forms. It is metabolized like amphetamine and can produce irreparable damage to the brain, manifested through severe seizures and convulsions.

PCP or Phencyclidine: It is a hallucinogen whose effects are unpredictable and varied, ranging from euphoria, anxiety, distortion of time and space to panic or hallucinations. This drug can lead to paranoia and irrational behaviors.

Amphetamines: Known colloquially as "peppers", these are central nervous system stimulants and can cause severe dependence. Their effects include enhanced alertness, increased energy, decreased appetite or sleeplessness. They can be found in some medications.

Opiates: These are highly addictive extracts of a resin of the plant known as poppy. Although opium is a natural hallucinogen, its medicinal use is analgesic since they depress the central nervous system, and may even alter the functioning of the respiratory system. They are only used clinically in cases of very severe pain.

Barbitúricos: Generalmente existen en forma de antidepresivos que producen efectos similares a los del alcohol.

Benzodiacepinas: Son medicamentos psicotrópicos (es decir, actúan sobre el sistema nervioso central), los que se utilizan terapéuticamente como relajantes o sedantes para eliminar síntomas como la ansiedad. También es posible consumirlas como pastillas para dormir. 

Methadone: It is a synthetic drug that produces the same effects as morphine and heroin. It is used primarily in drug treatment and can be extremely addictive.

Alcohol: It is obtained through processes such as fermentation or distillation, the result of which is ethanol. Its consumption is very normalized and causes perceptual alterations, makes it difficult to process information and reduces concentration, making it difficult to assess risks. Its most frequent symptoms are euphoria, speech distortion and loss of motor coordination.

Tobacco: Its name comes from the plant from which it is obtained, and like alcohol, it is legal. It can be highly addictive and harmful to health.

Its consumption is allowed only in authorized places, according to law 20.660.

Our seventh study “¿Su empresa da positivo? , shows that marijuana is the most frequently consumed drug among Chilean workers (9.76% of the results, proportional to the amount of positive cases). It is followed by cocaine (7%), while the third place is taken by the consumption of both of these substances (4.25%).

Alcohol and methamphetamines account for 0.23% and 0.46% respectively.

Regarding the recent use of these substances by economic segment in companies that don’t regularly test their employees, the study shows that it is proportionally higher in the industry and manufacturing sector, where 28.57% tested positive, followed by construction, with 23.81%. 10.62% corresponds to transportation, while 17.65% and 18.64% were reached by the commerce and services segments, respectively.

The ORD. Nº3032/47 of the National Labor Directorate’s legal department, which regards the internal regulations of a company, states that:

  1. The obligations and prohibitions that justify drug and alcohol control must be contained in the company's Internal Regulations.
  2. The rules on drug and alcohol testing should specify the testing procedure used for drug and alcohol testing.
  3. All documentation that is made known to workers in relation to the drug and alcohol consumption control system must be written entirely in Spanish.
  4. It is necessary that any regulation on the control of drug use should list the types of drugs that will be subject to such control.
  5. The temporal and territorial extension of the obligations and prohibitions regarding drug consumption and alcohol abuse must be limited to working hours and company premises.
  6. Regulatory norms that regulate a program related to the control of drug and alcohol consumption must comply with the requirements of proportionality, i.e., they must be suitable, necessary and proportional.